ARIES SZN: A Birthday Benefit

In the midst of COVID-19 crisis,  Sarah Kunst asked for my help to make a difference and turn birthday festivities in a human gesture. As she put it:

"For many people, Aries Season(March 20-April 19) is when we celebrate our birthdays with our loved ones. But this year, instead of partying, the entire world is pausing and we’re fighting like hell to prevent an invisible enemy from taking the lives of those we love the most. Our birthday celebrations, it turns out, can wait. 

But what can’t wait are the housekeepers, bartenders, ride share drivers, small business owners and low income children. Those who have seen their schools close, jobs dry up & establishments shutter as their tenuous grip on the American Dream has shaken loose. Our country, our way of life, is at the greatest risk we’ve ever seen and while we can hope the government will do their job, we can’t wait to see what happens in Washington. We need to act now."

Focused on data visualization highlighting hunger in America, I created visuals to be shared and promoted on Instagram and other social media. Ultimately, we aim to generate donations to Feeding America, an incredible, trustworthy charity that supports food banks all over the country.

I made available a few iterations of each data visualizations with  children from diverse ethnicities. In this context, it is relevant to reflect the diverse background of family touched by food insecurity.

Is it your birthday during Ariez Season? You can also contribute and ask your family to donate to Feeding America. All files are available for free to use HERE.

Aries SZN


Aries SZN

A series of Data Visualizations to shed light on food insecurity in the U.S during COVID-19 pandemics.
